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About Niy-Ley Luxe

Thank you for shopping with Niy-Ley Luxe

Niy-Ley Luxe is black owned small business that specializes in the finest quality tie on waist beads. We cater to everyone of all sizes and age group for all of your waist bead needs and wants. Niy-Ley Luxe was created to boost confidence, body awareness and to help with the well being of your mind, body and soul.

Waist beads has been part of the African culture for many, many years. You can learn more about waist beads and the meaning of them online.

The history behind waist beads:

In many African traditions, waist beads are used as a form of body adornment and can serve as a means of communicating social status, wealth, and fertility. They are worn by women of all ages and are believed to have spiritual and healing properties